
Popup Fountain

We create water projection surfaces for you. These can be installed on open waters of any depth. Likewise, an artificial water cycle can be set up on land in an urban or natural environment. We create appropriate content in holographic appearance.

Christmas Garden 2021

Christmas Garden 2021 was an extensive project. A total of nine water installations were installed throughout Europe for fully automatic operation. (Berlin, Dresden, Cologne, Munster, Frankfurt, Stuttgart, Paris, London, Valencia).
Despite winter conditions, not a single breakdown occurred during the two-month period of operation.
Two of the installations could be viewed from both sides due to our paired video projectors.

Technical requirements:

9x 11 KW submersible pump

11x 15,000 ANSI lumen projectors

2x video servers

7x multimedia players

Christmas Garden 2019

Two installations were set up as part of the Christmas Garden 2019 light festival in the Schlossgarten Pillnitz, Dresden. First, the winter quarters of one of the oldest camellias in Europe were illuminated with a video installation of the tree over the course of the year. On the other hand, a water wall was installed on the pond in front of the tea house. A special feature here was the visibility of the water wall from two directions, which made it possible to experience the installation from both sides in all its glory. AirGlobe carried out the complete visual and technical design of the two installations.

Technical requirements:
1x 15,000 ANSI lumen video projector
1x video player
1x time switch system
as well as
1x 11 KW submersible pump
2x 15,000 ansilumen video projector
1x video server
1x time switch system

Wilde Möhre Festival 2021

This festival is located in a forest area with no open water. A 16 meter long ditch was installed as an artificial water circulation system. The unique detail about it is that the audience can touch the projection surface. This was in operation for 5 events. As the result it made a boring meadow to the focal point of the event at night.

Technical requirements:

1x water circulation system
1x 7 KW submersible pump
1x 8,000 ANSI lumen projector
1x video server

Berlin Light Festival 2019

As part of the Berlin Light Festival 2019, a water wall installation was realized in a construction gap. We developed a pop-up fountain system and transformed a construction site into a contemporary art object. Some positive side effects occurred: the water wall improved the air quality immensely through humidification and flushing, and the sound of the fountain drowned out the street noise of a big city intersection in a relaxing way.

Technical requirements:

1x water circulation system
1x 11 KW submersible pump
1x 15.000 ANSI lumen projector
1x Video server

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